This is the latest, whats new! April 19, 2022

First, let me apologize for the lengthy delay. The time has been used wisely and there are a few updates. So without delay, let’s dive into them.

Backend Development

I am a sole contributor to the site, so I find I can only contribute to one part of the site at a given time. For the last few weeks, I have been working and focusing on developing the website’s overall performance.

What’s new?

I removed all old logos and updated them. The old logo represented the old goal of testing the electric charging infrastructure. Today the blog has evolved and so too has the logo.

Introducing the new logo.

It is simple yet complex. Easily viewed as Enso (円相) encircling the earth.

The meaning will not be explained. After all. What one sees is a testament to where they are on their journey.

It came out way better than my hand drawn concept!.

Menus have been restructured to allow content to be found easier. Some content has been updated and refined for easier reading. Others will be updated and new articles are being developed. I want to deliver only the best content to you, so please be patient as I work to refine the site.

You can now donate BAT to the site using the Brave Browser. I am officially a verified creator. Best of all you can do it without paying a dime from your pocket. All it takes is to use the Brave browser and enable brave rewards. They will deposit bat monthly for clicking their ads. The browser can also block unwanted ads. Be sure to deactivate brave on old computers as they only give 4-lifetime licenses to users.

To donate to me, simply navigate to my website in the brave browser and click the Brave rewards triangle then click send tip. If you enjoy my content I would greatly appreciate it. I am not sponsored and everything is self-funded.

Car Status

The car is finally fixed! I will admit that the bank is broke because of it! But my spirits are still high. Everything seems to be functioning as it should and I am happy about that. Due to the cost, I will be extending the stay in Vegas, but I’m fine with it. I will be utilizing the time to get things with the blog in order.


I didn’t spend much of these weeks exploring since I was focused on the site. I also worked for a few days to offset costs. I also donated some photo equipment to reduce my travel weight. Ali, Someone I met in Vegas also does photography. I hope it will serve her well! I have a picture, but will not post it without her permission. I have also been thinking of starting a section for the amazing people I meet. I just may do that…


I am grateful to the contributors who donated 31.35 BAT to me. Since I just added the account I haven’t received my first payout. Therefore, I am not sure who the contributor(s) are. But I want to take the time to thank you.

This is the latest, whats new! – Stuck in Vegas

New in the world – EV Travel: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

I have been working for a bit with the Vegas Loop as I have my car repaired. The cost of repair keeps adding up. After waiting a bit over a month the battery was swapped out. Alas, another problem crept up while waiting to get the battery swapped. A notification started appearing letting me know kindly that the car was not willing to leave Las Vegas that easily.

The techs said they noticed the refrigerant low so they filled it. Unfortunately, when after the swap I still noticed the error. As a result, Tesla now believes there is a leak in the AC system. This isn’t good as it could cause the battery to overheat while driving maybe even leading to the same problem I had the first time. I will start adding status post to keep you up to date with whats happening.

Other updates

The cost to eat out is extreme and even with the job, I am finding I can’t keep up with expenses. I want to continue the trip, but may need to take a full-time job until I can get the rest of the supplies I need, cover my repair bills, and pay my acquired debt.

New articles coming soon

I have worked tirelessly over the last month producing articles. The site currently shows one, but I have 6 I am working on in the background. Thanks for your patience. I spent a lot of time re-designing the site and editing the photos. It is starting to show and that makes me happy. I eventually will finish the story about how I ended up here. You will want to read that.

Thanks for reading. Constructive Feedback is always welcome. I love you all. And thanks for allowing me to do this.